Group Of Sharks
Group Of Sharks
There are several species of the sharks to have been grouped by their size, shape and nature. Following are a few predominant groups of different kinds of sharks found in different parts of the world.
- Hexanchiformes-Cowsharks and Frilledshark
- Squaliformes-Bramblesharks, Dogfishsharks and Roughsharks
- Pristiophoriformes-Sawsharks
- Squatiniformes-Angelsharks
- Heterodontiformes-Bullheadsharks or Hornsharks
- Orectolobiformes-Carpetsharks, Zebrasharks, Nursesharks and Whaleshark
- Carcharhiniformes-Groundsharks, Bluesharks, Tigersharks, Bullsharks, Reefsharks, Whitetipsharks, Houndsharks, Catsharks and Hammerheadsharks
- Mackerelsharks, Goblinshark, Baskingshark, Megamouthshark.
- Lamniformes-Threshershark, shortfinshark and Longfin Makoshark and Greatwhiteshark
Group Of Sharks