History Of Sharks

History Of Sharks
The history of the shark goes about more than 400 million years back revealing that they existed even before the dinosaurs were found running on the earth. And with the dinosaurs getting extincted from the world, the sharks too ceased to exist along with 96% of other living creatures of the earth.

Despite getting extincted with the dinosaurs, history reveals that the sharks came once again into their existence in the world which may hardly be digestible for a person coming across the fact.

As far as the Shark's significance is concerned it has traditionally been supposed to be a dangerous evil creature of the sea and was never praised. Its historical picture always was portrayed even in the movies and Novels as perilous and noxious creature of the ocean. But the fact is that it is neither harmful nor ominous or sinister as a concept prevailed amongst the people in the hstory of sharks.

Going deeper into the history we find that it is a pity of God and leniency of the Nature in returning the shark on the sea once again, but it is our inexcusable offense being perpitrated indiscriminately in exterminating the sharks showing no any concern towards their existence, which should now be put to an end with immediate effect, proving the present scenario a history in the time to come.

History Of Sharks