Kinds Of Sharks
Kinds Of Sharks
There are approximately 360 species to have been detected so far as the kinds of sharks. Following are the different kinds of sharks to have been detected so far with different number of same species falling under them.
- Squatiniformes (15 species) It measures 5 fit by its length and is the dwelling creature in temperate tropical water Angel Sharks
- Pristiophoriformes (5 species) It is also known as the saw sharks eating only the smaller fishes. Short nose saws hark
- Squaliformes (90 species) It is also recognized as the dogfish shark found in the deep sea water of Arctic and Antarctic ocean. Dogfish sharks Bramble sharks Greenland shark Rough sharks Pygmy shark Cookie Cutter sharks
- Carcharinformes (197 species) Though all the sharks coming under this category prefer to live in temperate water, some of them like to live specially in the fresh water. Bull Shark Caribbean Reef Shark Tiger Shark Lemon Sharks Blue Shark Milk Shark White tip Shark Hammerhead Shark Barbell ed Hound shark Swell Shark Leopard Shark Silky Shark Soup fin shark
- Lamniformes (16 species) Mako Great White Shark Thresher Shark Basking Shark Goblin Shark Sand-tiger Shark Crocodile Shark Megamouth Shark
- Orectolobiformes (33 species) The sharks coming under such kind of species vary by their huge sizes and prefer to reside in the shallow water of coast. Bamboo Shark Zebra Shark Blind Sharks Whale Shark Nurse Shark Ornate Wobbegong
- Heterodontiformes (8 species) Sharks coming under this category reside into the deep sea water and prefer to cuddle in the temperate water. California Horn Shark Port Jackson Shark
- Hexanchieformes (5 species) All the sharks coming under this category like to dwell in deep sea water. Frilled Shark Broad nose Seven gill
Kinds Of Sharks