Galapagos Sharks Pictures

Close view of Galapagos shark
Galapagos Sharks Pictures

Galapagos Shark is just like the common sharks found in the sea water. Being 10 fit by its length the Galapagos Shark was spotted in 1905 in the water of Galapagos ocean following which it was named after. Galapagos Shark is scientifically known by archarhinus galapagensis.

Baby Galapagos shark

Cuddling beneath approximately 200 fit sea water, the Galapagos Shark bears dark Grey color on its body and has long rounded snout. Being viviparous creature the Galapagos Shark gives birth 6 to 17 pups in a litter at a time and eat smaller fishes and octopus in the sea. Being canabilistic creature the Galapagos Sharks eat even their own species being young and vulnerable for attack.

Galapagos shark hunting for food

Female Galapagos shark

Galapagos shark swims

Galapagos shark on the sandy sea floor

School of Galapagos shark

Male Galapagos shark diving

Fully grown Galapagos shark

Hungry Galapagos shark on the sandy floor

Hungry Galapagos shark ready for feeding

Spotted Galapagos shark

Galapagos shark in the Midway Island

Baby Galapagos shark swimming

Galapagos shark sleeping

Galapagos shark view from the side

Galapagos shark on its way to his ancestors
Galapagos Sharks Pictures
