Zebra shark

Zebra shark
Zebra sharks are found in the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and Australia and in the Indian Ocean, between the Red Sea and Australia. Zebra sharks live in tropical waters and inhabit sandy or coral bottoms between 0 - 206 feet (0 - 63 metres) deep. They are usually encountered by divers while resting on the bottom and can sometimes be seen swimming slowly (particularly at night).
Zebra sharks mainly feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and small bony fish. Their flexible body allows them to work their way into narrow coral channels and crevices to search for food. Zebra sharks live to approximately 9 years when held in small tanks and up to 25 years when held in large aquarium tanks. It is believed that they live to 30 years in the wild. Zebra sharks may be vulnerable to other large sharks, but are most threatened by humans.
