
Showing posts from June, 2009

Sharks Attacking People

Sharks Attacking People There are no words to describe the horror of a shark attack but conservation statistics do not lie either. While an average of 4 fatalities per year are due to unprovoked shark attacks out of 56 worldwide, there are 100 million sharks that are victimized by humans as they are affected by either commercial over fishing or illegal fishing by both: sports or commercial fishermen. All results in fatalities: 100 million of them. The Tiger Shark is the second largest predatory shark in the world, after the Great White. It is also the second most aggressive shark when it comes to attacking humans, although in Hawaii, where most Tiger Shark attacks occur, there is rarely more than one a year. The Tiger can be identified by his tiger-like stripes on his upper body and sheer size - Tiger Sharks measure up to 9 feet long. To see a Tiger Shark while diving is a real treat, but divers are well-advised to swim away from the shark quietly and without panicking. Sharks Attackin...

Shark Tale Angelina Jolie

Shark Tale Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie as Lola. A seductive female gold-digger Lionfish whom Oscar develops a love interest for, although it is soon obvious that Lola is only interested in Oscar for his fame and fortune. When he dumps her for Angie, she betrays them to the mob and after Oscar dumps her, she becomes angry and confronts him. She kidnaps Angie and tries to get revenge. At the end, she returns to Oscar, only to find Crazy Joe. She is the secondary antagonist of the film. Shark Tale Angelina Jolie

Cartoon Sharks Pictures

Cartoon Sharks Pictures Cartoon Sharks Pictures

List Of Sharks

List Of Sharks The history of the sharks dates approximately 400 million years back and is supposed to be as old as the Dinosaurs. There are several sharks which have been categorized by their size, shape and nature. Following is the list of different sharks found in the different parts of the world and categorized here in the bracket . Cowsharks and Frilled shark (Hexanchiformes) Bramble sharks, Dogfish sharks and Rough sharks.( Squaliformes) Sawsharks.(Pristiophoriformes) Angelsharks.(Squatiniformes) Bullhead or Horn sharks.(Heterodontiformes) Carpetsharks, Zebrasharks, Nursesharks and Whaleshark.(Orectolobiformes) Groundsharks, Bluesharks, Tigersharks, Bullsharks, Reefsharks, Whitetipsharks, Houndsharks, Catsharks and Hammerheadsharks.(Carcharhiniformes) Mackerelsharks, Goblinshark, Baskingshark, Megamouthshark, the Threshersharks, Shortfin and longfin Makosharks and Greatwhiteshark.(Lamniformes) List Of Sharks

Kinds Of Sharks

Kinds Of Sharks There are approximately 360 species to have been detected so far as the kinds of sharks. Following are the different kinds of sharks to have been detected so far with different number of same species falling under them. Squatiniformes (15 species) It measures 5 fit by its length and is the dwelling creature in temperate tropical water Angel Sharks Pristiophoriformes (5 species) It is also known as the saw sharks eating only the smaller fishes. Short nose saws hark Squaliformes (90 species) It is also recognized as the dogfish shark found in the deep sea water of Arctic and Antarctic ocean. Dogfish sharks Bramble sharks Greenland shark Rough sharks Pygmy shark Cookie Cutter sharks Carcharinformes (197 species) Though all the sharks coming under this category prefer to live in temperate water, some of them like to live specially in the fresh water. Bull Shark Caribbean Reef Shark Tiger Shark Lemon Sharks Blue Shark Milk Shark White tip Shark Hammerhead Shark Barbell ed ...

History Of Sharks

History Of Sharks The history of the shark goes about more than 400 million years back revealing that they existed even before the dinosaurs were found running on the earth. And with the dinosaurs getting extincted from the world, the sharks too ceased to exist along with 96% of other living creatures of the earth. Despite getting extincted with the dinosaurs, history reveals that the sharks came once again into their existence in the world which may hardly be digestible for a person coming across the fact. As far as the Shark's significance is concerned it has traditionally been supposed to be a dangerous evil creature of the sea and was never praised. Its historical picture always was portrayed even in the movies and Novels as perilous and noxious creature of the ocean. But the fact is that it is neither harmful nor ominous or sinister as a concept prevailed amongst the people in the hstory of sharks. Going deeper into the history we find that it is a pity of God and leniency ...

Group Of Sharks

Group Of Sharks There are several species of the sharks to have been grouped by their size, shape and nature. Following are a few predominant groups of different kinds of sharks found in different parts of the world. Hexanchiformes-Cowsharks and Frilledshark Squaliformes-Bramblesharks, Dogfishsharks and Roughsharks Pristiophoriformes-Sawsharks Squatiniformes-Angelsharks Heterodontiformes-Bullheadsharks or Hornsharks Orectolobiformes-Carpetsharks, Zebrasharks, Nursesharks and Whaleshark Carcharhiniformes-Groundsharks, Bluesharks, Tigersharks, Bullsharks, Reefsharks, Whitetipsharks, Houndsharks, Catsharks and Hammerheadsharks Mackerelsharks, Goblinshark, Baskingshark, Megamouthshark. Lamniformes-Threshershark, shortfinshark and Longfin Makoshark and Greatwhiteshark Group Of Sharks

Megamouth Sharks Pictures

Megamouth Sharks Pictures The Megamouth shark weighing more than 1100 kg and measuring 17 fit by its length is supposed to be a rare sea creature as it is hardly seen over the surface of the sea. The shape of its mouth opening too large and head being much bigger depicts its embodiment as an eerie and baptizes it as the Mega Mouth Shark. Like the Basking shark and Whale shark, the Megamouth shark is also termed as the Filterfeeder shark because it gallops a huge amount of water in order to eat the jelly fish and plankton. Megamouth shark remains deep inside the sea water and swims hardly in the shallow water of sea near the coast. Megamouth Sharks Pictures